Friday, May 30, 2008

Operation Chocolate Chip Cookie: Trial 7

Today was my first foray into baking chocolate chip cookies with walnuts. Or any nuts, for that matter. This morning, I baked Chocolate Chip Cookies V from my Search for the Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe book. Check out the picture:
I was really excited to bake these cookies. They were made with butter, plenty of vanilla, and a 2 to 1 brown sugar to white sugar ratio. I expected a lot from these cookies. Unfortunately, they did not turn out as well as I would have liked. The walnut taste was subtle, and the texture of the walnuts were lost in the cookie. These cookies were soft, yet a tiny bit crispy on the edges which Casey appreciated. The cookies received some rave reviews, but this isn't particularly different than the feedback from the previous trials. As I said before, I think that my friends just enjoy eating the cookies and can't really discern any differences. These cookies were Heidi's favorite and while she really liked the walnuts, she requested more chocolate chips in the next batch.

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