Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sunday Night Dinner Club

The other night, my friend Bron and I were discussing how we enjoyed cooking but hated all the leftovers, an inevitable result of cooking for one. On top of that, dining alone can get old and boring, so we decided to start a dinner club that would meet on a weekly basis. Each member would rotate cooking duties. We racked our brains to think of other potential members, and Megan was an immediate first choice. Tonight Bron, Megan, and I got together for our first Sunday Night Dinner Club meeting. The inaugural dinner was held at my place, and I made Citrus Pork Tenderloin with egg noodles. It was yummy. Tonight we decided that we should add a member to the group, and so I have extended an invitation to Jon. I am awaiting his reply.

In other news, I will be presenting a paper at the Western Political Science Association conference in San Diego next March. It is the paper that I am working on with Amy and the one that was presented at the American Political Science Association last September. We will also be presenting this paper at the Midwest Political Science Association conference in Chicago next April. In addition to that paper, I will be presenting my own paper at the Midwest as well. It is titled "The Impact of Welfare State Policies on Abortion Rates." It is the paper that I am working on right now under KB's guidance.

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