Monday, February 9, 2009


So, just a few random thoughts here today. I read a couple newspaper articles on the woman who gave birth to the 8 babies, and of course, the situation generated a lot of criticism (from myself included). This is what I wonder: Is society so critical because this woman is a single unemployed woman who lives with her parents? Would there be as much criticism if she were married and worked outside the home? I mean, we are the same society that keeps the TLC shows Jon and Kate plus 8 and 17 Kids and Counting in business. Double standards? I think so. The media likes to point out that this woman is an unemployed grad student. Yes, that's right. If only she were an employed grad student. That would make all the difference. The media also likes to point out that this woman is not married. Seriously. 'Cause we all know that marriage is a binding contract and the secret to eternal bliss, right?

I was walking through campus today, and I overheard this girl tell her friend that she hopes that when she's 20, people will stop mistaking her for a 16 year old. I wanted to tell her that when she's almost 30, there will probably be people who will still make that mistake. I'm not complaining. Seriously. I know that I'll get mine someday.

I watched Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist last night. It was a cute movie, and better than I'd expected. I'd recommend it, but take my advice with a grain of salt. I don't have the most sophisticated taste in movies and just any sort of entertainment in general. After all, I am watching The Bachelor right now.


Amanda Ebner said...

My personal feeling? If she was married, people would be less harsh, but if she was working, more harsh.

Why? Because at least now they can say she's having kids to fulfill some missing part of her psyche (i.e. that "void" of a husband), and we all know how much women "need" some form of caretaking in their lives. (cough)

If she was working, then she might have to be recognized as a person with multiple interests, a woman who wants to "have it all," who isn't content to dedicate 110% of her time to her children even to her own demise...and gee whiz, we can't have "those" types of women around!

Am I cynical?

Carolyn said...

I did read a blog earlier today where the man writing did actually say "husbandless." Because clearly a husband would make everything A-Ok. Pfft.