Thursday, September 23, 2010


Today was the first day of classes. I wish I had something more thoughtful to say here, but I don't. But it is sure to amuse you. It's just that I've been thinking about the past 4 years I've spent in grad school, and for the past few weeks, I've been running into people I haven't seen all summer, and so I have decided that the following are my greatest accomplishments in the last 4 years:

1. I have no gray hairs. Yup, my hair is still completely black. I find a single random gray hair every few months, but no more since I began grad school.
2. I have not gained any weight. Sure, my weight has fluctuated by 5-7 pounds, but for the most part, I am the same size and weight as I started 4 years ago.
3. I am not balding. Still have a full head of hair. Shorter perhaps, but still a full head.

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