Sunday, July 3, 2011

the garden

I don't want to jinx things, but the garden is still doing well. I went out today to compost, mulch, and plant some thai basil and sweet basil. I was staking the pole beans, when I looked down and was so surprised to see these:
I know, I know, I mean, what else did I expect to be growing on a pole bean plant? Spaghetti? I was surprised that the plant was doing well enough to produce beans because something has been eating the leaves. I picked the beans, took them home, and ate them raw. They were quite tasty, though I suppose they'd also be tasty roasted with some olive oil, salt, and pepper.

Our pepper plants are still doing well, and all 8 of them are developing blossoms. And this one even has some teeny tiny peppers!
Our garden plot is one of 50 plots, and we have quite a nice gardening community. There were some community seedlings free for the taking early in the gardening season, but now all that remains are a few tomato plants that look to be on their last leg. After accidentally killing off some of our tomato seedlings, I decided to rescue one of the community tomato plants. When I planted it, it was pretty sad and weary, with maybe one or two green leaves. But now, after about only a week, it seems to be thriving. When I first saw it, I thought to myself, "I'm the freaking plant whisperer."
The rest of our tomato plants are bright green and bushy:
Below, we have some tomato plants in containers, garlic in one container, and thai basil in another:
Another view of the peppers:

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