Friday, March 27, 2009

spring break

We're almost through with spring break, and it has gone by so, so fast. I spent the first half grading and I will spend the last half playing. Anyway, we start up a new quarter this Monday, and it will, of course, kick my ass and I might regret taking it easy this past week. Oh well, live and learn.

I am taking an independent study with my adviser, LD. I plan to use the time to read about gender and public law stuff, and to write my 3rd qualifying paper. Then, I am taking a law and courts class with DK. I wasn't planning to take any more classes, but I met with the prof last week, and she talked about the class. It sounded so interesting and worthwhile, so I just had to take it. Finally, I am TAing in the sociology department this quarter, Sociology of Gender for KB. I am looking forward to finally TAing a gender class.

Tomorrow I am taking a trapeze class with Carol and Lorien. Yes, you heard that right- we are taking a trapeze class. I've read about trapeze classes in magazines- in fitness magazines, not like Circus Weekly or something- and they sound like a lot of fun. And I saw this Sex and the City episode where Sarah Jessica Parker's character took a trapeze class. So, it's something that I've considered doing for quite some time now. A couple months ago I mentioned it to Carol and Lorien, and they were on board. So, tomorrow we are headed to Escondido to swing with the greatest of ease on the flying trapeze. Or something like that. Hey, at least it's not a "getting shot out of the cannon" class. Stay tuned for pictures.

On Sunday, my friend and I are going on some sort of excursion through Orange County. Not exactly sure what we're doing, but it will include a field trip to this sculpture garden in Costa Mesa. As usual, stay tuned for pictures.

Okay, I'm headed out to enjoy the last few days of spring break. Have a good weekend!

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