Sunday, August 2, 2009

things i don't understand

If I may (and I may because it's my blog), I'm going to be a little cranky right now. Here are things that I just don't understand. Here goes:

Why is it that men push strollers using only one hand? Has anyone else noticed this? Women, when pushing a stroller, will use two hands, usually at the ten and two o'clock position. Of course, I'm making a gross generalization here, but I don't think that I have ever seen a woman pushing a stroller with one hand. However, of the men I see pushing a stroller, the majority do it with one hand. Maybe men are just so much stronger than women, and pushing a stroller requires just one hand. Maybe. OR, maybe men are secretly trying to hide the fact that they are taking care of children, a predominantly feminine task. Whenever I see a man pushing a stroller with just one hand, I want to go over to him and shout "I can still see you there pushing a stroller! You can't fool me! I can still see you performing a traditionally female task!"

Why is it that people in California cannot handle returning their shopping cart to the cart corral? Go to any grocery store or Target, and you will see carts littering the parking lots. I don't get it. Seriously, I've spent some time in South Carolina, and they can handle the simple task of locating a cart corral and depositing their cart. Really, if people in the South can handle returning a cart, I would think that people in California can do it too.

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