Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I don't think it's a secret that I don't particular care for Southern California. I miss seasons, leaves that change color, and snow. I loathe that California natives- who have never lived in another state mind you- think that theirs is better than all the rest. (Of course, they're not the only ones to glorify California; the remaining 49 states help put it on a pedestal.) I think that a recent lawsuit between the University of Southern California (USC) and the University of South Carolina (USC) pretty much sums up why I dislike California. The Univ of Southern California recently won the rights to 'USC.' So now, the Univ of South Carolina can't use the acronym. Apparently, there was a lot of confusion over who is really USC. That's right, the UCs and Cal States are all struggling, the economy is in the shithole, and the private Univ of Southern California wages a lawsuit for exclusive rights to be USC. The thing is, I realize that the Univ of Southern California is a private school and is not representative of other schools in CA, but I just can't imagine a school in any other state besides California who would sue for the right to monopolize an acronym. Seriously, what's next? All the major universities in states that begin with an M vying for the right to be THE U of M?

But I digress, because this isn't supposed to be a negative post. You see, I have these rare moments in which I have an appreciation for California and I must share them with you. And for the record, I'm not always complaining. I like being sandwiched between two major cities, so there is always something fun to do, something interesting to see, and something yummy to eat. I love being so close to the beach that I can go there for the day or for an hour. I like sinking my toes in the sand, lounging on the beach with a good book, and picnicking on the beach.

And sometimes, I confess, that the weather here isn't entirely awful. Yes, I miss snow and winter, but there are times when it's nice to have perpetually sunny and 70 degree days. It is nice that we can be outside every day of the year. Last weekend, Drew and I finally took advantage of all the hiking opportunities in SoCal. We are surrounded by mountains, state parks, and lots of hiking trails, but I had been hiking only once. In an effort to remedy this, I picked up a little book of the Best Easy Day Hikes in Orange County. Drew and I headed over to Laguna Beach, and in mere minutes, we were outside enjoying the fresh air. It was absolutely lovely.

Drew and I are planning to go hiking more often, mainly because it's fun and feels good to be outside, but also because I'm looking for fun ways to get exercise. I guess it's not so bad in SoCal after all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Suing does seem a bit extreme over something so trivial. But oh well.

Nice pictures from your hike! Sure looks like you had fun.