Monday, December 20, 2010

a 26 hour delay

Greetings from Minnesota! Well, we finally made it. After a 26 hour delay, we are finally in Minnesota. The flight itself went smoothly. There were about 20 of us (everyone else was smarter and rebooked). By the way, I think that there is correlation between rebooking and age; I'd say the average age of the people on our flight was like 28. There were some perks to holding out and not rebooking. Boarding and deplaning were super quick and easy. We were served snacks and beverages as soon as we boarded. There were no crying children. We each had our own row of seats and could spread out and sleep. Holding out for 26 hours was a bonding experience. We applauded when we took off in LA and landed in MN. It was practically a party.
And now we are in Rochester. There is a lot of snow here, and I don't think the temperature has been above 15 degrees. There is cold and then there is really cold. Turns out that we had cold weather gear for cold, but not really cold (necessitating a search for warmer hats and mittens). Good thing my parents don't live in like Duluth or International Falls, where I'm sure it is really, really, really cold.
Like I said, there's a lot of snow here, and there's more to come. I just hope it warms up. When I say warm up, I mean hit at least 20 degrees. More to come, with pictures.

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