Wednesday, April 22, 2009

29 pages

I know that this is counterintuitive, but I am glad that the weekend is over. Why? Because I spent last weekend working on two papers. I finally got a draft of my anti-rape paper to DM, on Monday, as promised. It was 29 pages. I had no idea that I could write that many pages. You see, when professors impose any sort of page number expectations for class papers, I'm always the person that comes up short. So, you can see my surprise.

I'm working on a paper with 2 other people, and we have been working hard this past week, writing and editing. Here's a funny story: One of the coauthors, Chris, and I were editing the introduction today. (side note: His fiance, K, and I are both DM's students, and DM challenges us to be good, clear writers) So, Chris and I were going through the intro, word for word. At one particular point, I said we need to clean up a paragraph because there were too many different points in it. I also said that we need to start off with a topic sentence that reflects the content of the entire paragraph. (obviously, this is stuff that I've learned to do from DM) And you know what Chris said? He said that this is exactly how K writes too! Good story. I thought it was really funny, and I had to share it with you.

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