Wednesday, April 14, 2010

saving money, week 2

Here's how the saving money and budgeting project is going so far. Last week, I went to two baseball games. This is okay because a) they were Twins games and b) I have decided that I'm not going to forgo "activities" and "experiences." I can't do everything, but I'm not going to give up eating out, watching movies, or going to plays.

I've been doing pretty well with the budgeting. At the baseball games, I ate before I went, so I was not at the mercy of overpriced and greasy stadium food. Victory! Oh, there were minor temptations. After the first baseball game, my friend Wilfred and I were walking back to his car. All these cars had Angels baseball license plate holders, and I told him that I have long wanted some sort of Minnesota license plate holder for my car. As I was telling him about how I couldn't decide between a Twins license plate holder or a U of M one, I suddenly remembered the budget. I had sworn off extraneous purchases, and a Twins license plate holder was definitely extraneous. There would be no way to justify this purchase. After all, how could I persuade Drew in a 2 page essay? It would be impossible.

Having a budget is actually kind of fun. It's like a game or a challenge, not a sacrifice.

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