Sunday, June 26, 2011

the first harvest

The garden, in case you're wondering (and I know you are!), is doing swimmingly. What does that even mean? I don't know, but I think it means that things are going well. So, even though our sunflower is wilting, the rest of the garden is doing well.

Today I got to harvest our first cherry tomato. Is it still a harvest if I pick only one thing? See that red cherry tomato? That's the one I picked. And subsequently ate. It was a bit tart, which probably means I shouldn't have been so eager to pluck it off the vine, but it was still good.
Pretty soon, I will get to pick this:
It's all very exciting, but I'm also a little nervous. See, I can handle picking and eating ripe veggies one or two or maybe even three at a time. But what happens when there's more than that to pick? I'm not so worried about the picking part, it's the eating and preserving part that makes me nervous. I mean, when I look at this pepper plant, on my hand, I'm amazed and excited to get peppers. But on the other hand, I think "holy crap, what will I do with all those peppers?"
Do you see what I mean? And we don't have just one pepper plant. We have 4 green pepper plants and 4 red pepper plants. I'm not really worried about the red peppers, because I have a plan for those (roast, marinate, and can). But I don't have a plan for the green peppers. And I know I should have thought of this earlier, but I'm not sure I like green peppers enough to warrant having 4 green pepper plants. At this point, you might be wondering why we got so many pepper plants. The reason is for insurance purposes, in case one or two died. It's the same reason that we have 4 eggplants seedlings, and 13 tomato plant seedlings.

Despite my mixed feelings, I'm happy with the garden and confident that we'll find a use for everything.

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