Wednesday, June 15, 2011

mint, basil, tomatoes, peppers!

Drew and I replanted our garden a few weeks ago, adding loads of manure and compost to our clay soil. We must have done something right, because our garden is looking pretty good! Our plants are green again (they used to be yellow), and our once sickly tomato plant is thriving. We almost lost a different tomato plant while transplanting it, but it seems to be doing fine. I don't want to jinx things, but we seem to be okay gardeners. We're getting compliments on our garden, and friends are asking for gardening advice. Wait, I lied there. Only one friend has asked for gardening advice, but that's because I offer it up to anyone who comments on our garden.

Here's a near-aerial view of the garden:
So far, we have basil, red and green peppers, tomatoes, sage, beans, and a jalapeno plant. Let's have a closer look, shall we? Here is the crazy, out of control mint. Good thing we planted it in a pot:
Our tomato plants have little tomatoes!
Our first jalapeno pepper:
Remember the pot with the mint? You probably do, seeing as how you saw it only 3 pictures ago. Well, the pot originally had a tomato plant in it, and we rescued it and the pot from the dumpster. We planted the tomato plant, which almost died, but now it seems to be doing okay (it's the one with the little tomatoes on it). Then we planted mint in the pot. After a couple weeks, we noticed some mystery plants growing in the pot. We thought they were weeds, but we weren't entirely sure. Drew transplanted them to a different container, and after some sleuthing, we think they're tomatoes. Here they are:
What do you think? Tomatoes?

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