Sunday, June 1, 2008

All the Cliches are True

We are heading into Week 10, and surprisingly, I'm not incredibly stressed out. It was a busy weekend, and I was in the office for most of it, but I'm not terribly stressed out. I've got a lot on my plate, but again, not stressed out. In fact, I'm actually kind of excited about it all. Seriously. How did this happen?

Only a quarter ago, I was deep in the slump. Really deep. I was ready to take a leave of absence or find an internship or bail out after getting the Masters degree. I was exploring public policy careers and careers in non-profits. I talked to older grad students about the slump, and they reassured me that it would pass and that things would get better, especially after I complete my coursework. Right, I thought. Ha! They were right! This quarter has been going so much better, and I'm in a good place. I actually made this folder called 'research ideas' on my computer. In it, I wrote up three research projects that I would love to do- someday, when I have time. Can you believe it? I might enjoy doing research, something that I wasn't so sure about only a quarter ago.

After struggling all year to write this qualifying paper, I'm finally at the stage where I've got things figured out and I'm just trying to polish it up. All year, I felt as though I didn't know what I was doing or how to do it. I struggled so much that I could not imagine a life of research and writing. Professors and older grad students reassured me that it takes practice and that things will get easier. Well, again, they were right. I've started reading literature to prepare for my next qualifier, and it's so much easier this time around. I'm a more efficient reader and better able to find the main points of books and articles. And, as I'm working on the editing and revising of my 1st qualifier, I'm finding that writing is getting easier too. I used to get this pit in my stomach whenever I would sit down to write, but not anymore!

On a seemingly unrelated note, I have found that research is like baking. Lots of people ask me how I have time to bake. To them, baking is a chore and time consuming. I tell them that it takes practice, and this is the truth. I'm a pretty efficient baker, and I'm starting to understand the nuances of spices and the chemical reactions of various ingredients. I enjoy getting feedback on my cupcakes and cookies, and I use this to do better next time. Similarly, I have found that doing research and writing has gotten easier with practice too. And the feedback from my professors? In my mind, it's not unlike they're telling me that cinnamon and nutmeg complement one another or to go easy on the almond extract or add more chocolate chips.

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