Friday, June 27, 2008

Operation Chocolate Chip Cookie: Trial 9

In an effort to shake up the traditional chocolate chip cookie, I made Chocolate and Peanut Butter Chip Cookies yesterday. Chocolate? Peanut Butter? Why choose just one? I was feeling mildly adventurous. Also, in an effort to be more creative with the photos, here is a picture of the cookie in its initial stages rather than the finished product:
I know, I know. You would think that I could be more creative in the photo depictions of my chocolate chip cookie mission. After all, I am a former photography major and I have an art degree. Hey, it's not like I'm a food stylist, right?

So, these cookies were good; they were a fantastic combination of chocolate and peanut butter. When I bit into the cookie, I got this wonderful mouthful of rich, sugary goodness. Despite the flavor combo, I was a bit disappointed that these were more cake-like than chewy. These cookies were pretty popular; I made 2nd and 3rd rounds with this batch. Kelly says that these were "not assertively sweet, a darker exterior with a textured, slightly more yielding interior, and evocative of shortcake." What a mouthful, just like the cookies.

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