Wednesday, March 5, 2008

RIP JOC: December 2, 2006- February 28, 2008

I am sad to report that my red betta fish, Justice O'Connor has passed on. He died sometime on the afternoon of Thursday, February 28th. JOC lived a long and fulfilling life. We had many good times together- moving adventures and play dates with John Roberts. We also had some bad times, too- a near death experience down the garbage disposal. Anyway, JOC was a good fish.
In other news, I will be in Chicago at the beginning of April for the Midwest Political Science Association Conference. I am looking forward to being in Chicago again. I have already purchased a ticket to a Cubs game- very exciting.

We are nearly finished with the quarter, which means that there is a lot to do in so little time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kris, I would very much like to hear the story of how little Justic O'Connor happened to find his way into and later escape from the garbage disposal. That sounds like an interesting adventure!