Wednesday, September 21, 2011

green tomatoes

Our gardening season is sort of winding down. I say "sort of" because even though tomato and pepper season is wrapping up, Drew and I will still get to plant cool weather crops like lettuce, beets, and brussel sprouts. I know, I know, it's rough over here where it doesn't frost, snow, or get colder than say 55 degrees.

Our rookie gardening season went pretty well. We had big, bushy green plants, lots of peppers, some tomatoes, jalapenos, and beans. The peppers are slowing down but still producing, but the tomatoes have really slowed down. We have several green tomatoes that absolutely refuse to turn red.

Fortunately, they will not go to waste. This weekend I'll be using them to make salsa verde. If we've learned anything this gardening season, it's to plant tomatoes early- in April, not July. Big rookie mistake. Oh well.
At least there is eggplant.

1 comment:

rajinder said...

Hey Kris,
Your garden is looking awesome! I saw that your pepper plants are still super bushy with lots of peppers!