Tuesday, November 16, 2010

destination dissertation...sort of

About a month ago, I got a book called "Destination Dissertation: A Traveler's Guide to a Done Dissertation." Right away, I read the introduction and chapters 1, 2, and 13 (chapter 13 was about adviser-advisee relationships so that's why I skipped ahead). I'm not sure if I should read into this, but I haven't picked up the book since. I'm afraid that not finishing a book on how to do a dissertation does not bode well for actually finishing a dissertation.

Or perhaps, and I suspect that this is the case, the reason that I have not picked up the guide book is because I'm actually working on my dissertation. That's how I'll interpret my loss of interest in the book. I'm a glass-half-full kind of girl.

I joined a dissertation support group a couple weeks ago, which has proven to be quite beneficial (and probably way better for my progress than any guide book). We meet every week, talk about how progress and hang ups, and set weekly goals. It's good to get support from people who are at similar stages.

I'm working steadily on my dissertation prospectus, and I had an exciting moment a couple weeks ago. I think I finally, finally have a solid research question and I'm on my way to drafting a full prospectus. It is nerdily exciting.

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